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Friday, April 13, 2007

No Baby Yet

So here we are at the end of the week and no baby yet. We went in on tuesday for the amnio but three strikes and your out i guess. they tried three times but the little one kept jumping right in the path of the needle each time. I had been having contractions all through the weekend, and after having a needle put in my belly all those times my uterus staged a bit of a revolt and contracted quite a lot for the next five hours. they kept us in the hospital hooked up to fetal monitors and at one point they were convinced they were going to do the c-section that day. alas the contractions began to settle down and we went from were having a baby today; to we're going home now. it was a very up and down kind of day, very exhausting, emotionally and physically. we saw the doctor again yesterday and unless the baby decides otherwise they are going to wait to deliver until April 25th. with out the amnio the doctor can't be sure about the babies lung development, so is being cautious and waiting til we hit the 39 week marker. God has a perfect time for this baby to be born, and apparently tuesday was not it.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

We are praying for this little one! Can't wait to see pictures of him or her! Love you guys!

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